Wednesday, December 7, 2011

49 Years on...

Am not proud to say am glad the Kenya is finally 49. We are a disgrace. There exists a huge illusion of democracy and rule of law. Quiet anarchy is what exists and although as a nation we can be proud to have one of the best Grundnorm's in the planet, we still have individuals who still trod on the liberties that are envisioned to be esteemed and espoused.

We have a citizenry that's so beaten that it fails to take its place in running the country and is instead either apathetic or plain left to be spectators in the theater of decadence that is our politics.

We have a nation with leaders who play economics from the lavish greens of Kenya's top golf courses with tee off times taking priority over serving their ultimate employers, the people of Kenya.

All I can say to this end is that the keen responsibility lies with the people of Kenya. Frankly I wish I can have hope in a demographic but unless they can look beyond their blog spaces, mailing lists, walls and their tweets and take to seeking a vote based revolution that looks to selective choice of leadership that is visionary and one that gets to get the job done, our remaining hope lies with the pulpit speakers, collective gender organisers and political hawkers & mercenaries for hire who know no better than to look close to safety of the known than demand change that they have no time to ever come to believe in because they have become creatures of habit cultured over election cycles spanning a one party rule and mediocre paper democracy.

I rest my case but trust me am patriot enough to be standing at Nyayo stadium come the 12th because love for my country behooves me to recognise our 49 years of state-hood. Nitakuwepo!